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A member registered Nov 21, 2019

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As I said after your comment:

Some of the code calls for "./Content-Release/Assets/Gui/" and others call for "./Content-Release/Assets/GUI/". Make a shortcut of "./Content-Release/Assets/GUI/" in the Assets folder named "Gui" and that will fix the problem for now.

Instead of running the shell script, run the appropriate executable for your machine yourself.

(1 edit)

Mac and Linux people: there is a way to get it working.

Some of the code calls for "./Content-Release/Assets/Gui/" and others call for "./Content-Release/Assets/GUI/". Make a shortcut of "./Content-Release/Assets/GUI/" in the Assets folder named "Gui" and that will fix the problem for now.

Instead of running the shell script, run the appropriate executable for your machine yourself.

Good stuff! Like a lot of other people, I'm going to complain about the controls, but with a different suggestion.

Since this game requires no mouse input, just all the movement keys to WASD, and then give J and K to jump and use respectively. This splits controls in the normal patter (left hand movement, right hand other stuff). Then you don't have to worry about controls getting in the way of each other.